Fungus between toes and its treatment

In the medical world, mycoses are a group of diseases caused by fungi. If the skin is damaged, dermatomycosis is diagnosed; if the nail plate is damaged, onychomycosis is diagnosed. In most pictures, pathological phenomena are combined. Toe fungus develops due to the negative influence of the kin, orc microorganisms. Yeast-like fungal infections of the Candida family are less common. Let’s look at what types of fungal diseases occur and how to treat fungus between the toes.

Types of fungi

Types of fungus on feetFungi are divided into several species: dermatophytes, molds, and yeast-like parasites. They cause the development of candidiasis, erythroerythrophysis, onychomycosis, epidermophytosis. It can also be divided into other types based on symptoms. There are membranous, vesicular, and moccasin-like forms of the disease.
FYI, infection occurs directly - through contact with soil, vegetation, sick people or animals, or indirectly - through contact with household items that a sick person has come into contact with.
Fungus on the skin between your toes may be of the following types:
  • Athlete's foot. This pathology is accompanied by damage to the spaces between the toes as well as the nail plate. In most movies, mature men are pathological;
  • Rhodophyceae. The disease progresses slowly and there are no symptoms in the early stages of infection. Without proper treatment, the nail plate can quickly become affected;
  • Candidiasis of the interdigital spaces is relatively rare. Divided into several types. The first is the vesicular-pustular type. Telltale signs include severe congestion and swelling. The second type - hyperkeratosis - thickening of the dermal stratum corneum and severe peeling;
  • Intermittent form. There are more diagnoses in summer. It usually affects the space between the third and fourth toes; less commonly, the fungus is found on the little toe;
  • The erased form has the fewest symptoms. The patient complained of cracks in the interdigital space, mild burning sensation, and itching.
After the specific causative agent is identified, interdigital fungus is treated. For this, the patient needs to undergo a test. Based on laboratory diagnosis results, treatment options are recommended. Includes topical medications, internal pills (in neglected scenarios).

Fungal Causes and Symptoms

Symptoms of fungus between toesBefore we learn how to treat toe fungus, let's first consider the causes of activation of the pathogenic microbiota and the symptoms of the disease. The main reason, of course, is the proliferation of fungi in the affected areas.You can become infected in public places and when using other people's personal hygiene products; infection is often observed within the family circle when a family member becomes ill.
Of note: Factors that increase a person's susceptibility to fungi include age - children are more susceptible due to immature defense mechanisms and immune systems - a weakened body cannot resist the effects of fungi.
The causes of fungus between the fingers are as follows:
  1. High humidity. This condition is caused by low-quality shoes, socks made of synthetic materials, and excessive sweating in the lower limbs.
  2. Blood circulation disorder. This problem is observed in chronic diseases - diabetes, hypertension. The condition has also been found in experienced smokers and alcohol-dependent individuals.
  3. Lower limb injuries. The fungus passes through the wound and begins to multiply rapidly. Practice shows that even if immunity is good, the body cannot cope with it on its own.
Other causes include skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, old age, metabolic disorders in the body, etc.Fungus on the toes is accompanied by persistent itching and burning sensations, which significantly reduces the patient's quality of life. Initially, one finger is affected, but if the disease is not diagnosed promptly and treatment with foot fungus therapy is not initiated, the lesions can rapidly progress and spread to other fingers, feet, and ankles.Fungus between the fingers presents with the following symptoms:
  • Skin peeling in the interdigital folds;
  • The appearance of small cracks that cause discomfort;
  • Itching and pain in the affected area;
  • Seal the sole of the foot.
If the nail plate is damaged, the color of your nails will change and they will lose their natural shine. Nails become thicker and prone to injury, chipping, and collapse.Initially, the clinical symptoms are not very obvious and the itching does not cause much concern. Symptoms worsen as the disease progresses. Most of the time, treating interdigital fungus on the toes requires the use of two or more medications because the condition has been advanced due to the patient's late request for help.

Ways to Treat Fungus

If fungus appears between your fingers, you should consult a dermatologist. The doctor performs a physical examination and makes a referral for laboratory diagnosis. Based on the results, it is recommended to treat the fungus between the toes.How to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms? Local agents will help - creams, gels, ointments, sprays, lotions. They do not enter the bloodstream and are used several times a day. Recommended for mild fungal infections.If a late-stage fungal infection is diagnosed and the problem area is large, oral tablets are prescribed. They work from the inside, damaging the parasite's cell membrane, causing them to die. It is up to the doctor to decide the method and dosage; if the recommended dosage is exceeded, side effects may occur.You can use the following medications to treat fungus between your toes:
  1. Tablet form.
  2. Local agent.
You can supplement the medical treatment of fungus between the toes with folk remedies - bathing with lotions made of chamomile, baking soda, laundry soap, vinegar and other natural ingredients.
IMPORTANT: To ensure the effectiveness of treatment, confirmation by laboratory methods is required - analysis is performed after 14 days and 30 days of treatment. Only the receipt of negative results indicates the effectiveness of the course.

antifungal agent

Antifungal is an antifungal agent; it helps remove fungi and works quickly and effectively. Use medication only on the advice of your doctor. This medication is available in various release forms - gel, spray, cream and tablet, solution.The drug works by blocking the fungus's ability to reproduce, causing the fungus to die. When used externally, the product accumulates in the affected area, which contributes to its effectiveness.The dosage for adult tablets is usually 250 mg per day. If a child is receiving fungal treatment, the dosage is based on weight. The duration of the treatment course varies from 2 to 6 weeks. Sprays and ointments are used 1-2 times a day. Treatment lasts for 1 month. Depending on your doctor's advice, the course of treatment may be extended by a few weeks.Tablet side effects:
  • Headache;
  • Impaired sense of taste;
  • Dizziness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • feel sick and vomit;
  • There is pain in the abdomen.
Contraindications for use are organic intolerance to the drug and impaired liver and kidney function. Patient reviews state that this product quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms - after a few days of treatment, the severity of clinical manifestations decreases.

Systemic antifungal medications

Dosage forms - ointments, creams, sprays and tablets. Often used to treat fungal infections between the toes. Apply ointment/cream in a thin layer to dry and clean skin areas. Wiping is not recommended. Frequency of use is twice daily.The dosage of tablets is determined individually. The reception will last several weeks. For children, dosage is based on weight and age. This drug has a killing effect on pathogenic microorganisms and is a powerful therapeutic drug. Tablets should not be taken if:
  1. Liver dysfunction;
  2. Lactose intolerance;
  3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  4. Allergy;
  5. Children under three years old;
  6. The patient's weight does not exceed 20 kg.
IMPORTANT: The concomitant use of antifungal medications and alcohol increases the potential for toxic liver injury.
This type of cream is well tolerated. Only some patients experience allergic reactions. In this case, the medication prescription should be adjusted. You cannot choose the analogues yourself.To prevent the appearance of fungi, it is recommended to treat shoes with antifungal agents; strictly follow all doctor's recommendations and do not cancel treatment; observe hygiene rules; after water treatment, dry your feet.